Easter is right around the corner- and with it, a chance to capture your annual family photo. If your family is anything like mine, family photos are dreaded by siblings and parents alike. Frankly, the best photos we've had are the one where we are laughing and dancing, before the photos even begin! So how do you capture that wholesome, family moment without sacrificing quality? Here are some tips to switch it up and snap something unique!
1. Find your happy place
Todays the day: Easter Sunday.
The clothes are pressed, your
makeup is done, and the ham is
in the oven. Before the egg hunt
begins, get outside and snap a
couple photos! Try a location
your family feels comfortable:
in the yard, on the swing set,
even with your feet in the pool.
Get creative and comfortable;
location can really set the
mood for your family photo.
2. Forget about Forward-Facing Photos
No, a forward-facing photo is not an unrealistic expectation. BUT have you had 3 kids under 5, an impatient puppy, and a husband who just wants to get back to the game? Well, neither have I, but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good candid! Start with one or two standard, smiling, front-facing photos, then let go of your expectations. Letting natural movement into your photography is when the real magic starts to shine through. Smile at each other, change up your poses, and you'll find yourself laughing in no time.
3. Break out a game or activity
An easy way to create a cohesive group shot is to do an activity together. This doesn't mean you need to pack up and head out for apple-picking or break out
the volleyball net for a
one-of-a-kind shot. Make
it playtime for the kid
pets, and parents! Grab
a frisbee or a ball for the
pup, make your favorite
family recipe, or even plan
a little skit to act out. The
photo won't just be a way
of marking time, but a
memory of a fun activity
your family had shared.
4. Bring on the props
So, maybe you have snow on the ground and the kids aren't in the mood to make cookies. Head to the store or your craft closet and grab a few props to lighten the photo-taking mood. Funny hats, empty frames, and old costume pieces can easily add some whimsical energy to your family photo. If you're looking for something a little more elegant, give everyone the same thing: a sparkler, a candle, or even a flower. Try tying the props together by sticking to a few colors, or make sure your clothes match to keep the photo cohesive.